How does 12v hydraulic pump and ram kit work

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12V hydraulic pump and ram kit operates by utilizing a 12-volt electric motor to power a hydraulic pump. This pump pressurizes hydraulic fluid, typically oil, which is then directed through hoses to a hydraulic ram or cylinder. The hydraulic ram contains a piston that moves back and forth within a cylinder.

12v hydraulic pump and ram kit

When the hydraulic fluid is pumped into the ram under pressure, it pushes against the piston, causing it to extend outward. This extension generates a powerful force that can be used for various applications such as lifting heavy objects, pushing or pulling loads, or bending materials.

Conversely, when the direction of the hydraulic fluid flow is reversed or released, the piston retracts back into the cylinder due to the weight of the load or by spring action. This action completes the hydraulic cycle.

The 12V design allows for portability and versatility, making it suitable for use in remote locations or mobile applications where electrical power is readily available. This setup is commonly employed in automotive repair, construction, agricultural machinery, and other industrial sectors where reliable and efficient hydraulic power is essential.